Comfort in God's Sovereignty

    "Chuck, what are you so afraid of? Why are you so afraid of the doctrine of God's sovereignty?"

    I blinked, looked out the window, down at my feet, and then back into Ray's eyes. "I'm afraid I'll lose my zeal for the lost. I'm afraid that if l really do believe this, I'll become passive as a minister, that I'll leave everything to God to sort out the elect, and I will do nothing."

    Ray said, "You need to remember Spurgeon, the sovereign-grace Baptist, who said, 'If God had painted a stripe down the back of the elect, I'd spend my days walking up and down the streets of London lifting up shirttails. But because He said, "Whosoever wills may come," I preach the gospel to everyone. And I rely on Him to lead those to faith who are His."'

    That was a great help. The longer I serve God in ministry, the more comfort I find in the doctrine of God's sovereign choosing. Rather than making me passive, confidence in God's complete control has freed me to proclaim the good news with even more zeal and greater freedom. And I am less burdened with whether I am "successful" or not. My responsibility is to be faithful; He's responsible for the results. To God be the glory!

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